
If you need a smile read my blogs. You're bound to have at least on chuckle.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Most of my friends know by now that I am moving to Philadelphia, PA in the beginning of November, if you didn't then surprise? Now for those of you that don't travel to Philly as often as I do, don't know that it takes 4 hours to get there and it is 269 miles away from where I live. It is going to be a sad but an exciting departure!

Why Philly? Part of the many reasons why I am moving to Philadelphia for the grand prize of all boyfriends. Just look at him...

He is one of a kind.
 Truly charming...
Corey and I have been together for 3.5 years and we have always lived in different states. So, I dare say that we are due to AT LEAST live in the same freaking state! Long distance fucking sucks! I would not recommend it to anyone. However, long distance has taught us how to love. It made us cherish the little time we have with each other, taught us that the little things are what matter. It allowed us to fight and mend it just through actual communication (not sex). Granted, there were times when I thought this...
but in the end this gem is a one of a kind and all mine.
 Wouldn't he be a great gay guy?
Anyways, I shall tell y'all some of the reasons why I am so freaking terrified to move. These may not be legit reasons for to most of you, but they are for me!
I am not even kidding you when I tell you what my main concern is for when I move. Brace yourself, make sure you're sitting down.
Okay, here it goes. My main concern...
Where the hell are all of my clothes going to go! There is no room!
I have 141 shirts, 25 pairs of jeans, 23 dresses, (I count my clothes, don't judge me)  a mess of bathing suits, a variety of gym attire, LOTS of accessories, and that is not even a quarter of what I have! I currently have 2 dressers and a walk in closet filled to the MAX! And I can't bring the bigger of the two dresser with me because it is built into my wall!
I feel like I am punishing my clothes by bringing them from their mansion where they are color coordinated by type of shirt, sprayed with perfume to smell nice, and all are hanging on matching colorful plastic hangers, to a tiny little hole in the wall, that is called a closet at Corey's house. 
In my mind this is the transformation I am making.. 
Now, if Corey was right next to me while I was typing this I would imagine he would look something like this...
and his thoughts would be something like "Bitch, you need to downsize because you are NOT taking my closet!"
Okay, my second concern that most will find absolutely ridiculous.
My friends and family have bought me an assortment of zebra shit over the past 5 years! I have enough zebra stuff to decorate my own freaking apartment and then some. And I know that Corey is not going to want me to have it all around the house. Now, most of you would say part with the zebra stuff. BUT I CAN'T! It is part of me! It is like my signature thing!  I guarantee if you were to ask anyone that knows me well to name the first few thing that comes to their mind when they think of me, that zebra print would be in the top 3. It's an obsession. It's a collection, its girly, its a passion. It is me! And I will be damned if I give up my zebra collection!
So... I think what I will do is make a deal with him. I can keep my zebra shit, and he can keep his Al Capone poster, Dirty Harry poster, and his stupid Buddha in the bathroom. Fair trade? I think so. Nothing says good morning like Dirty Harry pointing his pistol at your face...
Just as he would think nothing says good morning like me drooling all over his pillow, which he will most likely roll into during the night. And yes, the pillows will have zebra pillow covers... 
The last concern...for now...

I can't cook. I burn toast. This is a serious problem.
I know Corey is not going to be around to cook for me whenever I need it (he is a great cook). So, this means I actually have to do something that I truly hate and am not good at! I would rather do all the laundry, all the dishes, vacuum, mow the lawn, weed whack, jump off a cliff, stab myself in the eye, and drink my own urine than cook. I really will feel bad for him when I go to make him dinner and he wont be able to tell if we are having steak or mac 'n cheese.
I can see it now... Dinner is served.
And he will look at me like...

And he will magically develop some titties, no big deal.

 He may even come home and realize that the house has been burnt down, because I couldn't cook a premade pizza. I have cooked a premade pizza to the cardboard that it came with once, it was a DISASTER. I guess I better have some back up apartments in mind, just in case I burn the house down.

Overall, I am super excited to be moving! We have such a great time when we are together and are very compatible with each other. He puts up with a lot and I have to give him credit for that.  He is my best friend and I love him to pieces. If I was to rewind time and do it over again, I would choose him every time... 

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