
If you need a smile read my blogs. You're bound to have at least on chuckle.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Second Chance

I feel like a woman that has Tourette's, because I am saying all of this profanity due to my excitement. The reason why  I am so stoked is because I adopted a baby kitten!
 Just look at his handsome face...
Now I have to tell you the story about how I got this love bug.
I work at the Chittenango Animal Hospital as a receptionist, and in walked this young lady with a huge card board box. This young woman was literally struggling to hold this box, but I found out this girl was not struggling to hold the box because it was heavy. She was struggling because the black and white kitten inside of the box smelled like a fart that suggest something crawled up your ass and died! It turned out that someone put this helpless kitten into a dumpster!  To know that someone could put something so precious and innocent into a dumpster just baffles me! And quite frankly really pisses me off! To me throwing any kind of animal in a dumpster is just as bad as throwing a baby in it! It is just wrong and fucked up!
 Anyways, enough of my ranting. The minute I got to take a look at this kitten it was love at first sight. He picked me. I walked past his cage and there he was, majestic and giving me the best take me home look I have ever seen. He was sitting up very proper, like in the picture above, then I talked to him in a baby voice. Game over for me.
The minute I unlatched that cage he purred louder then I have ever heard a cat purr before. To me this was the moment that I realized that I needed this kitten. He was not longer a want, he was a need. He instantly became like a child to me. It made my heart melt to think that this kitten that was put in a terrible, undeserving situation, yet was so grateful just to have a little bit of love and attention, and still trusted people. I know I will be the best second chance at life that this kitten can get. God, knows that I will spoil him rotten.
Nobody, and I mean nobody can resist his cuteness....
My boyfriend, who is even allergic to cats, is letting me adopt him knowing very well that the kitten is moving with me to his house in one month! Now, if someone who is allergic to cats said yes to adopting him, you know he has got to be a cutie and have a wicked personality to match...
But Corey truly didn't have a choice because the kitten already adopted me. Even one of the women I work with said "Wow, he knows your voice." He gets so excited when he sees me just wants to be loved. The kitten chose me and I am gladly reciprocating the feelings to the little man.

This is how I broke the news to Corey that he was going to be a daddy, via text.
Me: Soo don't kill me, but I am adopting a kitten today. He is a love bug and perfect. So make sure you take your allergy medication.
Corey: What kind of cat?
Me: Sent pictures
Corey: Can we name him hulk
Now if only y'all could see my face when he sent me that last text. It probably looked as happy as it would if you sat Zac Efron, Joey Gloor, or Luke Bryan in front of me and were wearing this shirt...
 I was giggly, smiling constantly, and it immediately reinforced why I am so enamored with this man. Even though he is allergic to cats, he still allowed me to get the kitten, just to make me happy AND we didn't even fight about it, not even once. He my dear friends is what I like to call a keeper. So thank you Corey for being the best and handling all the chaos I throw your way.
Now readers, we are not naming the kitten Hulk like he wanted.
We have yet to truly decided on a name for him. Although, seeing the names that he picked were a good laugh and need to be shared.
His list of names:
My thoughts on each name he picked
Boomer- dogs name, could be one of Santa's drunk reindeer
Oscar- fitting since he came from a dumpster, but I don't want to remind myself that people are assholes every time I say his name.
Flex- Really Corey? Fucking meathead.
Leonardis- way to long and not my taste. Leo for short is too common
Onyx- Really, Pokémon? I am not naming him after a rock...even though the playing cards are totally badass.
Now I will ask you kindly to take a look at this picture again..
What would you name this handsome face? My top picks are Ezra or Manzo.
However,  if you like some of the names Corey picked out I would be curious to know why. Or if you have any other suggestions.
Now, the true purpose of this blog is to not only share my excitement but to also inspire others to give animals the life that they deserve. Now this does not mean everyone should go out and rescue animals. Animals are VERY expensive and time consuming, so please take that into consideration before adopting a pet. The question you should ask yourself before adopting a pet is am I going to be able to give it the best life possible?
This little guy deserves the best, and that is exactly what he is going to get! Starting with a kick ass and fitting name.
I cannot wait to snuggle this little love bug <3 Thank y'all for reading about my crazy cat lady thoughts!
As usual, I shall leave you with something that will make you smile...and if it doesn't than your probably an evil person...

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