
If you need a smile read my blogs. You're bound to have at least on chuckle.

Monday, December 16, 2013

5 Major Difference Between Syracuse and Philadelphia

5 Major differences between Syracuse and Philadelphia

1. Wicked. People look at my like I have 6 fucking heads when I say wicked! Apparently this word is unheard of down here. In the Syracuse area it is used all the freaking time! Here, I can physically see people dressing me like this in their eyes.
They are giving me bellbottoms and floral '70s tops. I am pretty sure they all think I say groovy too. 
Also, every time I say wicked, someone repeats it to me as if they didn't hear it the first time, when they clearly did, or they will give a slight chuckle. And to my annoyance this happens every single time! I really need to learn to stop saying it.
But in all fairness Philadelphia has lingo that is just as bizarre as wicked; maybe even more! For example, you's guys, also spelt like youse guys.
Here let me use it in a sentence for you...
"What would youse guys like today?"
Now the phrase does not bother me as much as the way people say it. They accentuate the S, causing them to make an obnoxious slur that makes them sound like they have a permanent lisp. I just want to do this...
 and then shake them and tell them they don't have a lisp! But something tells me that it would not be socially acceptable to shake a person, so I refrain. So in the mean time my forehead will suffer.
2. Water. How everyone in the United States, outside of Philadelphia says water. (click the speaker by the pronunciation)
How people from Philadelphia area say it:
Just why?  Do I really need to expand on this subject?
3. Hoagies. What the hell is a hoagie? Oh, well after being humiliated and ruthlessly made fun of, I was informed that it is basically a ridiculous term for a sub. Now, I am sure this is a very popular term in other areas of the United States, but for the Syracuse area it is like wtf is a Hoagie? What is wrong with the word sub? There is no such thing as a Hogieway, nor do you hear of anyone going up to a deli counter and saying "Hey, can I have a fucking hoagie?" No! It is always a sub! Do you see my frustration??
4. Beer. In New York any person, with the proper ID, is able to walk into a gas station, Walmart, Tops Market, Wegmans, or any other place that sells some kind of food or beverage and pick up beer. In Pennsylvania they have whole stores dedicated to beer. You cannot conveniently pick it up at the grocery store while buying, chocolate milk, cheese, and Panda paws ice cream, which also doesn't exist here. Being from Syracuse I found this annoying because it is just one more stop where you have to get out in the cold and freeze your ass off! Who the hell wants to do that!? Not me! But then again that is why I have a boyfriend...He is a great beer bitch...
5. Blizzards. In the CNY area blizzards are an everyday thing. We are use to brushing a foot of snow off of our car, scraping ice off our windshield, and plowing our driveway every day and night. It is to be expected.
If people in the Philadelphia area even hear that they are going to get a half inch of snow,it's a state of emergency shut down! If you go to a grocery store during this time you will not find any of the following: bread, milk, ice, coolers, flashlights, batteries, or shovels. They are gone, like the apocalypse is fucking coming and they need to stock up to survive! It makes me chuckle. Another thing, when there is a half an inch of snow on the ground people drive like assholes! Example A... Corey and I were travelling down I-95 and saw 6 different accidents! Here is one picture that I took while driving because I was truly amazed! Truly bro, how fast where you going to flip your car on a road that was not slippery? 

Notice you can still see the damn grass and the roads are still pretty bare.
Later this day, I found out there was a 50 car pile up. No, not 5, 50, ! Fucking 50! I am not joking. It is the kind of accident that just makes you want to take your face and smack it against a wall because it clearly happened out of stupidity. I see no other logical reason for why 50 cars got into an accident at once! Just plain stupidity and carelessness. Now Philadelphians, I beg you to learn how to drive because one of you are bound to visit the Syracuse area during winter. And holy hell  you will want to cry and suck your thumb because you'll be so anxious. 
Anyways, those are the 5 major difference I have noticed thus far. I am sure there is more to come! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!
To my friends and family! See you in January! =)

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